Hello everyone!

Today I've wanted to share some of my organization tips with you. I recently started a new school and I've got way more challenges ahead of me and need to become more organized. So far, I'm doing pretty good. I've stopped leaving everything until the last minute and you can't even imagine how great of a feeling it is when you don't have to do your homework last minute and can go to bed before 2 a.m. 

Get yourself a calendar.
Write things down.
Plan a few days ahead.

Plan the things you need to learn for or do during the week.
Make a list from the most urgent, to the least urgent and follow it.

Set reminders on your phone.
Write things that need to be done down and set alarms to remind yourself.

Don't leave everything for the last minute.
Trust me, it causes way too much stress than it should and is less effective.
If you have a project to do for December, don't leave it until the last moment, do it now. Later, when everyone will be stressing out and working on it, you'll have more time to enjoy the beautiful winter and chill by the fire while drinking hot chocolate. 

Make the most of every minute spent studying. 
To make your studying more effective, it is advised to study in 20-30 minute sessions followed by a 10 minute break to stretch out or rest your eyes. If always helps me if I have some snacks with me, so cut up a carrot, an apple and a banana, or anything else that you like and place it somewhere next to where you're studying so that you can snack on it while learning.

I hope that this has helped some of you, that have been struggling with becoming more organized just like I have.
If you found this helpful, make sure to pass this on, share it on your social media and follow this blog on Bloglovin.
If you have any other tips, leave them in the comments below, and as always -

See you soon!

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