Favourite quotes.

Hello everyone!

In today's post I'll present you with some of my favourite quotes,
and tell you why I like them so much.


I love this quote so much, because that's exactly what happened to me a few months ago.
Maybe it was not my whole life, but a big part of it. And while it was falling apart, there was 
nothing I could do. 

This is such an important quote. People are the way they are, because life has
shaped them that way, their problems, heartbreaks, everything. This quote basically reminds me that everyone has been through something, that I don't know about. So who am I to joudge them?


Again, very important thing. Be yourself, don't pretend to be anyone else.
 But be the best self, that you can possibly be.

Truth spoken. We spend so much time on trying to fit in somebody's life. Why?
Just keep on doing your thing, and the people, that really belong will come, and stay.


All day long, we just pretend to be somebody we're not. And it actually hurts me
to say that this quote could not be closer to the truth. 

Don't get discouraged it something doesn't go the way you planned.
We all have to face problems in our lives. 
If you've got a dream, follow it. 
Because dreams do come true.


People seem to be foregeting that anorexia is a disease.
They put girls that look scary skinny on th covers of 
magazines. They make a fashion statement out 
of something that is a disease. 
Please guys, don't foreget that.


We say so many thing, often without realizing
how other people may be influenced by that.
You think that a comment you make on someone's
outfit, make up, shoes ( just anything) might be funny,
or that they don't mind. The truth is, they do, even if they 
act like they don't. 


I think we should all ask ourselves this question.
 Would your 8 year old self be proud? 
Would your 13 year old self be proud? If not, why? What changed?


And these are all of the qutes I've prepared for today.
I hope you enjoyed.
In the comments down below, I'd love you to tell me :
- what are your favourite quotes?
- why?


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