My 2013 faves! :)

Hello everyone! :-)

Happy New Year! Hope you've all had an awesome time during Christmas and NYE.
Today I've prepared something to sum the year 2013 up, my 2013 favourites.
Hope you enjoy! :)


There have been quite a few blogs that I like and I couldn't decide just for one,so here are my top 3 :


I don't know if it's just me, but I have been loving youtube a LOT this year, I've found many great youtubers, daily vloggers, in general just lots of amazing people. And again, I couldn't pick just one person.


I have been reading a lot of books during 2013, but I guess that my favourites would have to be two series, which are:
1. Delirium trilogy
2. Divergent trilogy

However, I also did a blog post on some awesome books that I read during the summer, if you wanna read that click here.

Again, a list o 3 since I couldn't decide.

1. The Catching Fire
2. Fast and Furious 6
3.White House Down


Life is unfair. You put someone first who puts you second. You study your ass of for a final only to get a C. You give 110% to someone in a relationship while they only give 40%. You're there for your best friend at 3:00 am and the next they they don't even bother to pick up their phone. It seems like you're giving everyone everything and they're just walking away with it.

If they miss you, they'll call you. If they want you, they'll say it. If they care, they'll show it. And if not, they're not worth your time.

Actually, my goal is to be bitter, skinny woman who drinks her coffee black, always has her hair in a chignon in a black Chanel suit and wears diamonds to breakfast while bashing everyone but nobody can say anything because I run the whole show.

That's all for today, I hope you enjoyed! :)
If you did, make sure to click the little +1 button as it helps me out a lot.
Also, leave a comment telling me what was your favourite thing about 2013.


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